Thursday, April 15, 2010


So it went something like this. Lots of organised people do these cool swap things on blogs. I'm not one of them.

I looked at this blog one day and she was swapping something with someone. I posted a comment saying that I want to swap stuff too! Something subtle like ' swap something with me! something, me me me!'

So we did, and my swaperama arrived the day after that awful day (you know, the one with the stupid questions) and it could not have been more perfect.

My house now smells of cardamon and spices from the tea, and the anodised teapot is so pretty, perfect and I love it! My parcel also contained a pack of forget me nots - which I love love LOVE, but never think to plant...oh the irony! And a super cool tea towel came too.

I don't think I'll ever quite be able to express how wonderful it was to receive this parcel of internet love. It was just what I needed, and just so very perfect and thoughtful.

Even the dog of the yellow house in the U had been included, and let me tell you he is OBSESSED with these treats. 24 hours after they arrived he was sitting underneath the pack tapping his little paw on the washing machine to ask for more. 10 minutes after I got home all I could hear was tap, tap, tappidy tap.

He wanted to say thanks via this video message:


  1. That is too damn awesome! I am dancing! I have to teach Flux that. Right after toilet training..............

    I have v limited internet atm, will post proper reply via my blog as soon as able.


  2. This sounds like a great idea. Getting this via mail is awesome.
