Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day?

So I'm not even sure how I ended up in this Etsy shop. But I did. And then I thought, shall I buy this for myself for valentines day? It has my mums favourite flowers and my dog obsession all there on the one plate.

And then I felt irrationally sad*. Because it has all those things, but the 'you are not alone' bit kind of got me. Because that bit I don't have.

I know, I know, I'm not alone, and I'd have a massive stack of wonderful people in my life, and that makes me very lucky. But at the same time, lets face it... I am alone, and that bit wasn't part of anyones plan. And sometimes it still makes me a bit sad. Just a little bit, okay? So I don't think I will buy this plate now because I've kind of ruined it for myself, but I hope someone buys it for someone they love.

*I also felt a bit stupid - who buys themselves sympathy valentines gifts anyways?


  1. Wrote this late last night when I felt sad and sorry for myself. A night recreating Julia and Rhys' first valentines ( of which I was present) has made me happy!

  2. hey, don't buy it. as cute as it is, just don't.
    and don't buy into that crap either.
    no spending money on feeling alone.

  3. Also you are not stupid. Stupid.

    Also, I agree, we ARE the same person. !

  4. I know stupid - we are tricking the internet who think there are two of us, but we are same same!
