Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Top 100 - MMMBop, Hanson # 92

Story by Alex

It may surprise you to know that I have not always been the super cool, cynical and somewhat aloof person I am today. There was a time, many years ago, when I was enthusiastic, naive, and, dare I say it, undignified. There was a time, many years ago, where I was unselfconsciously obsessed. Blindly. Utterly. Completely. 

It was 1997. I was 13. Discmans (discmen?) were the cutting edge of portable audio technology. Only 7.4 percent of Australian households were connected to the internet. It was the year that three blond brothers from Tulsa, Oklahoma took the world (and my young heart) by storm. Love them or loathe them, there was no escaping the nonsensical chorus of their infectious debut single. I speak, of course, of Hanson. Of MMMBop. Of innocence personified.

I proclaimed my love in many ways. Scrawled over my school planner, my pencil case (the ones where you cut out the letters of your name to put into the little plastic slots), in the condensation of bus windows. Shouted out of train windows to friends waiting on the platform. Wallpapering every single inch of my bedroom walls with posters, pictures and magazine articles. Turning up the television as loud as it would go when one of their songs was on. Generally, just being an obnoxious and insufferable pain in the ass.

Thankfully, for all involved, this phase did not last forever (despite my earlier vehement protestations that I would love Hanson until the day I died – to the extent that I had issued instructions as to which of their songs would be played at my funeral).  After the pictures came off my walls, I took to the CD with my house keys, destroying the disk with deliberate scratches, whilst Korn played on in the background.

On the odd occasion now when I hear MMMBop, it conjures feelings of brightness, sunshine, and blue skies.  And I can’t help but to smile.

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