Saturday, November 15, 2014

10 reasons why Graz is a lot better than it was the last time I was here #5 bikes

Everyone rides everywhere, and I think this little bike saved my sanity. I was just really careful of the trams. Trams terrify me. Also bike thieves. I was paranoid about that, so my bike slept in the apartment every night with me...up and down the tiny lift everyday. It was only by the end of my stay that I remembered Austrian apartments have cellars. Most likely with bike storage. 

Anyways, most days I would follow the map to the hospital but eventually I ended up just following all the other riders on their way to the university - talking side streets and bike paths and navigating the worlds most hectic roundabout on the way to their campus ever. The first day I got off and pushed the bike across, the next day I followed the person in front of me and hoped for the best. Eventually I rode, back straight, head high - without hesitation. Maybe with my eyes closed. But I made it.

And never underestimate how hiring a bike can make you appreciate how crap your bike at home really is - even if it is pretty, red and shiny. 

Also never underestimate how handsome men can look riding bikes down cobblestone roads wearing duffel coats. Or should that be reason #6 of why Graz didn't suck so much?

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